5 reasons why Gozo makes the perfect wedding venue
Planning your wedding? Gozo could be the perfect location for a magical event. Here’s why...

When you decide on your wedding or reception venue, you’ll discover people you’ve never met before eager to help create a wonderful day. It’s not simply a case of “it’s their business - of course they’ll make an effort” either. That may be true, but Gozitans treat a wedding and everything it entails with huge respect, so from transport, to flowers, to church to food, you’ll find a real pride in creating perfection or your big day.

Gozitans treat a wedding and everything it entails with huge respect, so from transport, to flowers, to church to food, you’ll find a real pride in creating perfection or your big day
Gozo loves a good wedding
No shortage of venues
At the last count, Malta and Gozo boasted around 400 churches and historic sites that would make a wonderful setting for your wedding. And from the most modest chapel to the grandeur of Ta Pinu or the 3,000 capacity of Xewkija (if it’s a really big Gozo wedding) they’re all wonderfully preserved, cleaned and polished to perfection by an army of local volunteers. And that’s just the ‘formal’ locations. From clifftop to beach front, you’ll find a wide range of natural wedding venues that could be the perfect dramatic backdrop to your celebrations.
Swap British weather for a Mediterranean climate
Nothing can make the heart sink quite like throwing the curtains open on your wedding day to find the rain pouring. No such problems with Gozo weddings, where the forecast for most of the year is warm, bright and largely rain-free (especially in spring and summer). It’ll look wonderful on the photos too.
Room for all the family
For a few years now we’ve made a point of sourcing Gozo villa and farmhouse accommodation with the size and scale to accommodate even the grandest wedding party. Sometimes these are vast single properties large enough for an extended family. Sometimes they’re connected villas. And sometimes they can be entire complexes. For a great example of a villa complex that’s ideal for Gozo weddings (plenty of privacy, lots of space for communal get togethers, and even a communal gym) take a look at Hamlets 1, 2 and 3.
Sensational food
Gozitans love their food. Combine it with their love of weddings and you’ll find they really pull out all the stops. So whether your Gozo wedding party is dining in a local restaurant, tavern, or you’ve asked us to arrange private catering at your villa, you’ll enjoy some incredible tastes. Need help planning your Gozo wedding?
*photos courtesy of Viewing Malta.