Jules Gozo Holidays

The further adventures of Daniel

"Daniel at Malta Airport"
"Daniel at Panorama Villa"

Bears aren’t native to Gozo. Which is, of course, why they like to holiday there.

I never travel alone to Gozo. Whenever I’m going (and I’m there throughout the year to check on our Gozo villas and farmhouses – and to find new ones to add to our portfolio) I’m joined by someone who, me aside, is Jules Gozo Holidays’ longest serving member of staff. No wonder he needs a holiday. Daniel the Bear knows Gozo like the back of his paw. His latest visit began in relaxed style. Most of our customers enjoy a peaceful transfer from Malta International Airport to their Gozo holiday home, but Daniel’s chauffeur driven experience began even earlier, as he hitched a lift on my suitcase. After stopping off at Panorama, Daniel’s luxurious Gozo holiday villa (he has an eye for the finer things in life), he quickly adopted the natural position for someone enjoying their first day of a Gozo holiday: he sat down in the sun with his daily copy of the Malta Times in hand, shaded by Jules sun hat.” All that (lack of) exercise left Daniel in need of food, and being sat on the Sannat cliffs, he popped into Il Kantra restaurant, part of the hotel Ta Cenc. The views are amazing and so is the food, which makes it one of Daniel’s favourite chill out spots. It’s popular with humans too. After that, he decided on an amble round Xlendi Bay. As you can see, he was debating a swim, but he opted for more food. Wherever I am in Gozo, Daniel’s never far away. So if you happen to see this bear on your Gozo holiday, do stop and say hello.

"Daniel at Sannat Cliffs"
"Daniel in Xlendi"